
Corporate Plan


2021-2025 Corporate Plan

What is a Corporate Plan and its purpose?

The Corporate Plan is the key strategic business plan for the Council.  It provides a focused framework for Council to plan and undertake its business and service delivery over the period of the plan, having regard to various issues, which may have been identified during the planning process, including community engagement.

In the plan, Council sets out:

What it would like to achieve over the period of the plan - Outcomes; and how it intends going about achieving those outcomes - Strategies.  The Annual Operational Plan and Budget then provide the detail of what will be done each year towards achieving these outcomes and strategies and how they will be resourced.

Why have a Corporate Plan?

Apart from being a legislative requirement, developing a Corporate Plan is good business practice.  It provides council with a strategic focus and is a useful tool in unifying and guiding council's elected members and staff.

How was the 2021-2025 Corporate Plan prepared?

The Corporate Plan was developed in close consultation with the community.  This involved a survey and a number of community meetings throughout the Shire.  The feedback received from this process has been collated and used to assist in the development of the Corporate Plan.

What happened with my feedback to the Draft Corporate Plan?

At the conclusion of the public consultation period, all feedback was reviewed.  The results of the public consultation and proposed changes to the draft plan were submitted to Council for consideration with the final draft.